For rough conditions
Restube extreme

Whether for kite or windsurfing, surfing, or for professionals on duty. Just carry it stowed in its pocket with its hip belt or directly attached to your harness. Now you can concentrate even more on this very moment. Pull the trigger and the yellow Restube buoy inflates within seconds. Restube extreme provides enough buoyancy (75N) for adults, just lean over it to lift your head out of the water. Wave with the buoy to catch attention or drag it behind you. You also can dive through waves. You can share the buoyancy with others, which makes it the ideal companion in open water. It is reusable by screwing in a new original 16g CO2 cartridge and easy to repack.
The RESTUBE is NOT a Coast Guard approved life vest as it does not go over your head or wrap around you. It will not help you if you are passed out. It acts as a flotation swim buoy to rest on and easy to swim with.