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How to Overcome your Fear of Swimming

Restube USA’s 10 Water Safety Tips  

Time to Hit the Water  

by Johanna | Restube

published on February 16th, 2022

It is swimming season and time to hit the water. When the weather is hot swimming in open water is the perfect way to beat the heat and get some exercise. Many of us don’t think twice about jumping in and taking a dip, unfortunately for some, a fear of the water can be debilitating and prevent them from enjoying the water and taking advantage of some of what nature has to offer during the most beautiful months of the year. 

Aquaphobia (Fear of Water)

A fear of water is known as Aquaphobia, and it can have many different causes. The problem may stem from a childhood event, such as witnessing a serious situation on the water or accidently swallowing water when swimming. Identifying the root cause of the fear is usually the first step in learning to control it.

Aquaphobia, like all phobias can express itself in a multitude of ways. It could come in the form of weak legs, trembling, heart palpitations or panic attacks.

If this sounds like you or someone you know, you may be suffering from aquaphobia. For severe cases professional counseling is usually required but for mild cases we have 10 tips to help you stay safe and become more comfortable in the water.

10 Water Safety Tips

1. Know your limits

Water demands respect, it is important to start slow and build up your confidence, skills, and technique before taking on more adventurous swimming. Don’t start out by venturing too deep or swimming out too far. Never swim in currents that are too strong or when there are underwater hazards. As you slowly build your confidence and skills you can start considering venturing further from shore or swimming in deeper waters.

2. Improve your swimming technique, strength, and safety skills

Getting training from qualified swimming professionals will help you build confidence and ensure you stay safe in the water. The more practice you get the better. This will increase your strength and improve your technique. If you are swimming in open water, water safety courses will also be of great benefit. These will help you read the water and identify any hazards such as rips or strong currents.

3. Be careful in unfamiliar water

If you have never been swimming at a particular location, you need be extra careful. You may not be aware of all the hazards at that spot. Take the time to observe the water at that location to identify any potential risks. Talking to the locals is also a great way to learn about hazards and make new friends : )

4. Never swim by yourself and always let someone know about your trip

If you are open water swimming it is best to either have a swimming partner or swim at a popular beach with lifeguards on duty. If you are anxious about swimming it is a good idea to let your swimming partners know so they are prepared. They can pay closer attention and be ready to help if needed. Always let someone know where you are swimming and what time they can expect you back.

5. Small Steps – Start near the shore If you are new to open water swimming.

It is best to start in shallow water with the coast nearby. You will be more confident if you can easily stand up if you panic or need a rest. Also being close to shore means you can get to land easily, and you are not as far away if someone needs to swim out and rescue you.

6. Make sure you can see

Use swimming goggles, tinted ones are best as they help you see with the reflection of the water. They also keep water and sand out of your eyes. Protecting your eye to ensure you can see when swimming helps prevent disorientation and panic.

7. Keep an eye out for landmarks

Being able to identify your location helps with orientation which reduces the risk of panic. Look for trees, buildings, flags, and other landmarks. In the water, buoys can also help you keep track of your position and identify areas where boats will be traveling.

8. Check the weather

Always check the weather before you go swimming in open water, if you are a beginner, you would be looking for calm days without much wind. You can also check the UV index so you can protect yourself against the sun’s rays with sunscreen. The forecast can also give you useful information on currents, tides, waves, wind, and thunderstorms. Taking special care when with the weather is essential when swimming in open water, particularly in the ocean. Even if you know the forecast, keep an eye on the conditions as they can change rapidly when you least expect it.

9. Inflatable buoys give your more safety

Emergency buoys can give you much needed buoyancy when you need it most. A Restube can be used in an emergency or if you just need some time to rest. Buoys can also provide visibility if you get into trouble or encounter passing watercraft. A Restube inflates with the pull of a cord almost instantly, so you can feel free when you are swimming but feel comfortable as help is only a cord pull away.

10. Have fun

Swimming should be fun! Try not to pressure yourself when in the water, knowing you have taken all the appropriate safety measures can help you relax and enjoy yourself. This will help reduce anxiety when swimming. If you ever feel uncomfortable about the situation, swim back to land.

Restube, More Freedom and Safety in the Water

Restube is there for you when you need it most, with a Restube if you ever feel in trouble in the water buoyancy is just a cord pull away. It uses a compact design that fits securely to your waist, when not in use you can enjoy full freedom of movement, letting you relax and enjoy the water.

Once inflated, a Restube can be used as a standard swim buoy. If you need to attract attention Restube is brightly coloured and can be seen from a distance. Leaning your head over the buoy will provide enough buoyancy to keep an adult’s head above water.

Restube uses a CO2 cartridge to inflate and can be reused, just simply install a new cartridge, and repack your Restube.

Knowing that you have a backup like Restube can help you relax and maintain peace of mind when you are in the water.

The best Restube model to use for swimming in open water is the Restube Active.

Restube active

Restube active packed in Ice mint blue pouch
Inflated Restube floating buoy with 3 icons:  Convenient towear doing active sports, Trigger handle also serves as a whistle and Attachable at  Restube READY products
Restube active packed in black and icemint blue pouch
Restube active packed in Ice mint blue pouch
Inflated Restube floating buoy with 3 icons:  Convenient towear doing active sports, Trigger handle also serves as a whistle and Attachable at  Restube READY products
Restube active packed in black and icemint blue pouch

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