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Restube or swimming buoy - a comparison

Restube or swimming buoy - a comparison. Find out which flotation device fits your activity!

by Johanna | Restube

published on February 16th, 2022

When it comes to maximum safety in the water, additional buoyancy is a must. The hundred thousand times proven Restube System and from now on also the swimming buoy by RESTUBE offer you exactly this – and even more! Whether it's open water swimming, stand-up paddling, kiting, or any other activity in or on the water, the application scenarios and therefore the situations you can find yourself in vary greatly.

In this text, we take a close look at Restube and the swimming buoy by RESTUBE, show you the differences and the advantages of each product. This way you can easily make the right equipment choice for your water activities.

swim buoy by RESTUBE
swim buoy by RESTUBE
swim buoy by RESTUBE
swim buoy by RESTUBE

swim buoy by RESTUBE

$ 39.99
Restube active packed in Ice mint blue pouch
Inflated Restube floating buoy with 3 icons:  Convenient towear doing active sports, Trigger handle also serves as a whistle and Attachable at  Restube READY products
Restube active packed in black and icemint blue pouch
Restube active packed in Ice mint blue pouch
Inflated Restube floating buoy with 3 icons:  Convenient towear doing active sports, Trigger handle also serves as a whistle and Attachable at  Restube READY products
Restube active packed in black and icemint blue pouch

Restube active

$ 89.99

Buoyancy when you need it

The Restube models for personal safety in the water – Restube beach, active, and extreme – are all equipped with the proven Restube mode of operation. A built-in CO2 cartridge inflates the buoy within seconds with a pull of the trigger. Depending on the model, you then have either 50 or 75 Newtons of buoyancy at your disposal.

With all RESTUBE products the buoyancy is sufficient for an adult, the larger buoy is just a little more comfortable. Just lean over the buoy and your head stays relaxed above the water.

Restube is conveniently worn on a belt around the waist or attached directly to the equipment. You can also attach the bag to compatible products with the Restube READY interface. Restube itself is very light and carrying it is almost unnoticeable, Restube in your pocket is weightless in the water. It's important that you always carry extra buoyancy and visibility for yourself or others.

You inflate the swimming buoy by RESTUBE with your mouth – via the mouth valve – before you go into the water. That way, you'll have the inflated buoy and the extra buoyancy already at hand, just in case you need it. Thanks to the larger volume, the swimming buoy by RESTUBE offers you 125 Newton buoyancy.

By the way: Restube beach, active, and extreme also have a mouth valve with which you can inflate the buoy if you have time to do so and want to save the CO2 cartridge. Ideal for swimming and snorkeling or for children playing in the water.

Buoys with or without drybag to store your stuff

Small, lightweight, and full freedom of movement. Attributes that are important in any water sports accessories. Restube beach, active, and extreme buoys are packed in a bag no bigger than a smartphone, through different attachment options – depending on the model – optimally designed for your water sports.

The swimming buoy by RESTUBE is – as the name suggests – designed mainly for swimmers. Because it offers you an additional, waterproof compartment – the so-called Drybag – storage space for all possible items that you need during your activity. You can keep everything that needs to stay dry, for example energy bars and other provisions, clothes and shoes, keys and sunglasses, safely in the Drybag.

After use, simply deflate the buoy, fold it up and store it in your training bag or car until the next use to save space.

Good to know: the Restube buoy is inflated streamlined and smaller than the swimming buoy as described above. Packed in the bag Restube has no drag. The swimming buoy by RESTUBE – as well as all other Restube models – are reusable and designed for a long service life.

We use only high-quality materials that are extremely resistant and withstand the effects of salt and also chlorinated water when properly maintained. We do not use any critical PVC at all.

Visibility in water

When the Restube buoy is inflated, it gives you increased visibility in the water thanks to the yellow signal color. This way you will be easily seen by other water sports enthusiasts, boats, or lifeguards and you can draw additional attention to yourself by waving the buoy.

Since you inflate the swimming buoy by RESTUBE before you jump into the water, you have visibility right from the start. In open water swimming or long distance from shore, visibility in the water is a very important safety aspect.

Help others but do not endanger yourself

Keeping enough distance from other water sports enthusiasts is one of the golden rules for your own safety. And this also applies when a person is in distress, because they can generate tremendous force in a dangerous situation and possibly pull you under.

You can open the strap of the Restube buoy and also that of the swimming buoy by RESTUBE with just one click and then pass the buoy to another person from a safe distance. Often, the additional buoyancy is enough to defuse an emergency situation.

Restube READY – One interface, many possibilities

Restube READY is a sophisticated system, or simply put: an interface. Both product categories – Restube and the swimming buoy by RESTUBE – are Restube READY. However, the system has different purposes in each case.

The swimming buoy by RESTUBE has the READY interface directly on the top of the buoy, allowing you to attach Restube READY products to it, such as a whistle or a waterproof cell phone case (both products will be available in 2023).

 The Restube active, beach, and extreme models are also Restube READY and can be attached to the swimming buoy as an additional buoyancy aid. Restube can also be attached to other products that have an interface. For example, to sports equipment or directly to your wetsuit. This eliminates the need to wear a belt and the Restube has no chance to slip on the body.


Restube and the swimming buoy by RESTUBE provide you with more freedom and safety in the water. Restube is extremely small and light and therefore extremely versatile. It is suitable for almost any activity. And most importantly, you're just one pull of the trigger away from added buoyancy and visibility.

If you need dry storage and permanent visibility, the swimming buoy by RESTUBE is your tool of choice. And if the price plays an important role in your decision. You can get the swimming buoy by RESTUBE already for $44.95 Restube from $50.00.

Which product do you prefer – restube or swimming buoy? Tell us your personal story and feel free to share your product feedback with us! Just send an e-mail to

We wish you a fun and safe time in the water!